


Monday, January 19, 2004

How Appropriate...

...that Japanese troops arrived in Iraq to rebuild schools and provide medical care today -- MLK day.

How Horrible...

...to read the Human Rights Watch Report on prison rape. I've read about the problem before and who hasn't seen or heard of the graphic rape scenes of HBO's OZ -- so the occurrence is no big shocker.

However, it is impossible not to be struck by the reverse racism occurring in U.S. prisons -- white men targeted for rape by blacks and Hispanics because they are white. The behavior includes sexual slavery -- the renting and selling of other prisoners. This pimping for cash was found especially prevalent in Texas. Dammit. Why does my state have to be the worst???

Its a given that prison is never a good place to be, but if you're white and not a super tough guy -- its really, really not a good place to be. As the report makes clear, you're out numbered and its plain prison officials are only too willing to look the other way. This subjugation of Caucasian men is ironic considering the power that demographic wields in U.S. society.

A quick current events musing: If Michael Jackson is convicted, sentenced and incarcerated as a kiddy diddler -- the possibilities boggle. Pederasts are usually targeted for special sexual brutality by other inmates, but blacks tend to protect their own. Only blacks can rape other blacks with impunity. But is Michael black? He has morphed so much over the years. Hard to tell. Of course, Jackson may not be guilty, but you'd think he'd have learned by know how dangerous it is to sleepover with young nubile boys. Being a cynical weezil, I think Jackson's money will buy a get out of jail free card yet again... rendering it moot, but what if??? Whose bitch will he be?

Then there is the whole gay sex angle of this behavior. Which it seems is dealt with in typical "hole is a hole" guy fashion. A concept illustrated perfectly by this quote: The theory is that you are not gay or bisexual as long as YOU yourself do not allow another man to stick his penis into your mouth or anal passage. If you do the sticking, you can still consider yourself to be a macho man/heterosexual, according to their theory. This is a pretty universal/widespread theory.

What blows me away is that more prisoners aren't suing and that money hungry trial lawyers aren't knocking on prison gates to sign up clients for a huge class action suit. Yes, inmates aren't the most sympathetic plaintiffs, but it would be hard to find a jury not sympathetic to someone who went to prison for a 3rd DWI and ended up with an AIDs death sentence. Besides -- rape -- even between men in prison is still a crime. The report addresses the indifference of prison officials, but you'd think they would stop this activity cold if only due to the liability issues -- which are potentially $$HUGE$$.

Another current events digression: Now I'm wondering about the anal virginity of the two Arizona prisoners currently holding guards hostage. What if they are rape victims who were finally pushed over the edge? If I was being violated daily, taking guards hostage to stop it would be the least of my potential actions.

Think about this one:

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

-- Martin Luther King Jr.