


Saturday, September 11, 2004


Reading this Bush quote today -- "One thing about Senator Kerry's position is clear. If he had his way, Saddam Hussein would still be in power and would still be a threat to the security of America and the world." -- I was struck by what sheeple the majority of us Americans are.

Baaa...... Baaaa.....

Was Hussein really a threat to our security -- let alone the world's? None of the 9-11 hijackers hailed from Iraq. No financial links have been brought forward to show Hussein's support of Al Qaeda. North Korea and Pakistan have far more advanced WMD programs -- if you could call Iraq's pathetic efforts a program -- and we have yet to invade.

Why do we have such a hard time questioning our leaders in the area of war? Why do we take statement's like this one of Bush's and swallow the pablum down like good children?

Many would consider what I just wrote treasonous or unpatriotic at the least. We don't want to believe that we could be wrong. We bury our mistakes deep in the national psyche. Our "crimes against humanity" are there -- we've just always been too powerful to be held to account.

Which doesn't mean I'm packing my bags and heading overseas. Despite our flaws, America is the best thing going. I just wish we weren't so easily duped and so desperate to think well of ourselves.