


Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The words of Vice President Dick Cheney, in a speech on Aug. 26, 2002, 6 1/2 months before the invasion -- yes, six and a half months before:

"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction," Cheney said then. "There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies and against us."

More like minutes...

From the tail end of a piece of CBS post debate analysis:

"The Kerry-Edwards campaign, after the debate, sent out an e-mail that included a C-Span screenshot from a February 2001 National Prayer Breakfast that shows Cheney and Edwards standing together."

So? Liar or Senile old man? Let the spin begin.

Post Debate Musings...

I'd like to see the Bush twins in uniform on the "front lines" in Iraq. Tomorrow would be nice.

If Kerry wins, he will be our first divorced president. Haven't heard a squeak out of the religious right about that one yet. Guess our rampant divorce rate makes even conservative's houses a little too vitreous for sanctimonious rock hucking on that particular issue.

I'm calling the biggest faux pas right now -- Cheney saying he'd never met Edwards. It will be merely hours until there is something dug up showing they have met. So... will the media then label Cheney a liar or merely forgetful? The spin should be lovely to watch.

Edwards is charming and sexy -- not to mention damn smart.

Not a word tonight on the shortage in flu vaccine -- which is a potential health disaster. As I wrote in a post way back on 8/10/03 concerning out national statistical myopia regarding the anthrax scare, influenza is responsible for over 36,000 deaths a year here in the USA. That beats the World Trade Center by a magnitude of 10. Not having enough vaccine can only drive that number higher -- killing potentially thousands more.

Gosh -- it must be a terrorist plot!

Save us, Shrub... from Britain?